Photo by Lauren Ferrall
About Andrew Koch
Andrew’s work has appeared in numerous journals, most recently in The Arkansas International, Alaska Quarterly Review, Colorado Review, Ploughshares, Spillway, Blackbird, and others. His work is forthcoming in Bennington Review and Five Points.
Andrew is a recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize for emerging writers in graduate writing programs for his poem “Inheritance” (2017) and has received Pushcart Prize nominations from The Gettysburg Review and The Collagist (now known as The Rupture).
Andrew Koch (pronounced “Cook”) holds a PhD in creative writing from the University of North Texas. He currently teaches Creative Writing and English to High School students at Valor College Prep in Nashville, Tennessee, which you can check out here.
To read about all of Andrew’s credentials, check out his CV.
For questions about a student or professional inquiries, email Andrew Koch at For nonacademic or personal communication, please email Andrew here.
You can follow Andrew Koch on Twitter: @_AndrewKoch_.